Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.- Psalm 145:4

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Genesis One and Two

Boys, I've been putting this off for too long.  I set out so motivated, and then when I realized how great a task I was setting out to do, I stopped trying.  But, it's like a fire in my bones.  I can't not press forward in retelling the scriptures to you.  There is so much I don't understand, so much I can't explain, so much I don't know how to retell, so much I'm sure I'll miss.  But that's okay.  I, "... see through a glass darkly..." The Holy Spirit is able to teach you as you pick up your Bible's for yourselves and dig in one day. 

In the beginning God created everything we see with the word of His mouth.  He spoke light as we know it into existence.  He ordered light and created time as we can measure it.  Time began with His words.  But in that beginning, before He spoke anything, He was the Word.

God is the Word.  He was there, in the beginning making everything.  He is life.  He is what makes people alive.  And He, the Word, would become a man, and lived among us and out of the planting of Himself in our thorny fallen dirt, would create a new life.  A new creation.  The first creation came from the word of His mouth.  The second creation would come from the Word dying and rising anew. 

In the beginning the One who would someday come to live among us created a good world.  He was there over a formless nothing and He spoke into existence an intricately detailed and ordered earth.  A world of light and darkness.  A world of water and sky.  A world of wonderful plants with fruit that would delight us and feed us.  A world of fish and birds and animals.  A world to be managed and multiplied by the ones God would create in His own image.

"Let us make man in our image,"  the Three-In-One God said.  And so God created a man and a woman, both in the image of the Triune God.  Made to reflect His glory, His substance.  Made to magnify His nature.  God created an earth designed specifically for these Imago Dei ones.   A world of companionship between a husband and wife.  A world of family.  A world of intimacy and friendship with the Creator.  A world where man could walk with God in a garden.  A world without shame or death or wrong or guilt.  A world that would speak day and night of His greatness. A world ruled by God, who is love, who's nature makes it necessary for the object of His love, to choose.

So in this beginning of our history, the Creator of the universe (also the Word who would dwell among us one day) spoke the word and created time, a 24 hour day, day and night, sun, moon, stars, the atmosphere, the clouds, the sky, trees, plants, dry land, oceans, rivers, fish, birds, land animals, insects and His-Image-Bearers (a.k.a mankind).  He did all this in a 6 day time period and then He stopped creating things with His words. 

At the end of each day of creating He stepped back, like an artist from His painting and said, "That is good!"  But when He breathed life into His Image Bearer, Adam (the first man), He said stepped back and said, "Mmm.  That's not good.  He should not be alone.  I'll make a suitable Image-Of-God-Bearer companion for him."  So after God let Adam name the animals He'd created, giving Adam himself a chance to see that he, unlike all the other creatures created by God, was alone.  And then God did something amazing and very special.  Something unlike anything else He had done in all of His creating.  He made His Image-Bearer, Eve (the first woman), not by speaking life into dust (as He had done with Adam), but by taking from Adam's own body, his side.  God took this piece of Adam and created a woman, Adam's companion. The first husband and wife. And then  as though He had reached the crescendo of His artistic masterpiece of His wonderful creation, God looked at Adam and Eve and said, "That is VERY good!"

Wow!  When I just stop to think about that I am put right.  All that seems to be and is wrong in the world gets put right when I look from the high view of our Creator.